Lastweek we were making lemonade this week its strictly water!

Unfortunately we were not shortlisted this year for The Pricecheck Tech & Ecommerce Awards, but congrats to those who made it!


@Wheels24 graced us with an awesome read! Check it out

Car won't start? Here are 5 easy tips to help keep your vehicle alive in SA

The first piece of the article refers to the Cooling elements of the engine and how important checking for leaks really is!

Too often than not we don’t pay attention to our vehicles and all the signs they give us before something goes wrong..

Checking and listening, yes listening ( this may be more difficult for males) often reveals that there is an issue when something starts screaming at you ( no its not your wife, and if it was she has a reason)

Remember to check all the cooling pipes and hoses every once in a while, because the radiator will start taking strain when these are old.. and that isn’t an expense we’d like to take on at the moment!

If there aren’t any obvious signs you may want to take note of how often you replace the coolant.

If you are thinking about replacing any of your coolant parts – let us help

Flanges and connectors, don’t know the difference well we can understand why.. they look identical!

The only way to differentiate is that flanges have bolts.

Just incase you didn’t see the Pro tip: Never try to check the coolant when the engine is hot.

It will end in tears..


So keep your car alive, and arrive alive!