A few weeks back I wrote an article about building your own website and shared with you some of the best suggested tools to do so. 

I thought I would follow up this week with a little additional advice, well from my personal perspective at least. 

“Global e-commerce sales are expected to increase by around 14% in 2021, and worldwide sales aren’t too far away from $5 trillion. Considering that consumers spent a whole extra hour per day online in 2020, that milestone will most likely come sooner than later. 

So how do you leverage that data? 

All of this means that it is a good time to be in the online retail game — and if you are not, to jump on the bandwagon. Of course, just because the overall trend has been an upward one, not all online sellers have fared so well. Ups and downs, dark clouds, and silver linings, it has all been said and it is all still true. So, what can entrepreneurs do to keep themselves profitable? 

If things are going nicely already, maybe now is the time to double your investment in your business, focusing on marketing and producing the most relevant products and services. Realign your emphasis on these products and reevaluate the ones who are not performing as well. If you can round up some additional cash to throw down or have faith in your credit line, let the data be your guide to getting while the getting’s good. 

On the other hand, if you are treading water, it could be time to reevaluate what you are selling, given known shifts in consumer behavior. It does not have to mean redesigning your whole business, though. It may be possible to turn the tide by just changing your product lineup, packaging it differently, or trying a new marketing technique. It could be as simple as looking through your product listings and updating them with relevant terms. If you notice your products have features and benefits that could be relevant to today’s market, be sure to highlight that in your product description. Funnel money into marketing this product in this way. Pivoting is the name of the game. If you are in this bucket, make it a point to work with your suppliers to help you pivot — they are probably hurting, too. 

Regardless, if you are in a tough spot as an online retailer, this would be the worst time to give up. The gravy train is speeding up and has plenty of room for more passengers. A few minor, strategic adjustments will probably be enough to validate your ticket for another few stops. “ 

Bottom line, do not give up, rather use all the data you must make the best decisions possible for your business. 

Make sure however that while you may be riding the ‘gravy train ‘, to add two stops, one to pick up your mom or that amazing motherlike figure in your life a wonderful mother’s day present and two, stop over at our amazing online store to grab some of this week’s best sellers…. Or for your car loving mom, save time and do it all with us at the click of a button. 

Stay Safe, Stay Connected.