Dear Start My Car,

We need to celebrate the rain. This last week we finally saw the skies opening and the air being cleared. It will be a few days and we can fully expect a burst of colour.

Over the last few weeks we have been looking at some of the challenges in the ecommerce space. I wanted to continue this discussion by posing the following question:

How can it be that 2 identical vehicles, assembled on the same assembly line, land up needing different parts?

One of the benefits of driving on the left side of the road is that it supports South Africa’s large automotive manufacturing export industry. We manufacture and export vehicles to other countries that drive on the left such as the UK, Japan, Australia etc. In order to protect the local industry, duties on vehicle imports are pretty hefty.

Some brands have trade deals, that although the vehicle is practically fully assembled overseas and imported into SA, certain parts are left out and once the vehicle has arrived in South Africa, a locally manufactured part is fitted. While generally these parts are identical, there are times that this is not the case.

As an example, we came across an instance that a local alternator was fitted. The freewheel pully had 5 ridges instead of 4, this required a change in the poly V belt as well. This vehicle is exactly the same as its European counterpart, comes off the same production line, but due to it being in the SA car parc, it has at least 3 different part numbers. What complicates things for us is that this type of change is usually only discovered when the part needs to be replaced.

This is the challenge. And this is why we are inspired and motivated. Because at Start My Car we fall in love with the problem.

One problem we have solved is pricing and choice. Have a look at the specials and the options and take advantage of them.


Give us your feedback and become part of the conversation.

Have a great weekend.

