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Time to retire you tires

Dear Start My Car, 

On June 17th 1837, Charles Goodyear received his first patent. The patent was for a process that made rubber easier to work with. Keeping this in mind, I thought it would be worthwhile looking at tyres, and the maintenance thereof. 

Our tyres are arguably one of the most significant items as regards the safety of our cars, and no amount of attention paid to them, is too much. 

I found the below article in IOL from January but it is worth reading.It is also worth having a look at some of our amazing products with regard to tyre care, maintenance and repair. 

As always, please contact us with any comments or suggestions. We love to hear from you. 



The Do's and Don'ts of Tyre Care

As apart of your back-to-the-grindstone to-do-list, it advised to have your tyresassessed, just in case they’ve been damaged over the holidays.

It’s especially importantto have your tyres checked if you plan on making another road trip soon,perhaps over Easter, which will be here before you know it. Road fatalitiessky-rocket over the festive and Easter seasons, being around 30% more than themonthly average, according to the Road Traffic Management Corporation.

“Drunk driving and speedall contribute to the road carnage, and tyres are also critical for road safetyand drivers should ensure they check their tyres before they set off,” saysCarlo Baldocchi, Tyre 

Sector Manager for SATMC.

“Good tyre and treadcondition is critical to ensure good braking and handling in both wet and dryconditions as well as to provide good steering response,” he adds.

Baldocchi explains thatin addition to the condition of the tyre, pressure is also important: “The overand under-inflation of a tyre has a detrimental effect on the driver’s controlof the vehicle. Furthermore, over and under-inflation of a tyre results inuneven wear of the tread. Over-inflation will result in excessive wear in thecentre of the tread and under-inflation will result in excessive wear on theshoulders of the tyre - meaning that you will have to replace your tyresprematurely. Your tyre pressure should be checked at least once a month andespecially before you embark on a road trip.”

Baldocchi recommends thatdrivers consult the maintenance document provided by their vehicle’smanufacturer to ensure that they are applying the correct tyre pressure.

“Drivers also need toremember that the heavier a vehicle is, the higher the pressure required. Yourvehicle’s maintenance record will provide information on tyre pressures fordifferent loads,” he says.

Dos and dont's of goodtyre care and maintenance

* The tread pattern isimportant for dispersing water on the road surface so ensure that the tread onall your tyres are above the Tread Wear Indicator (TWI), a design feature inthe tread pattern of all tyres made available to the South African consumer.

* The requisite tyrepressure depends on a vehicle’s size, weight and power configurations, soconsult your vehicle’s specification and vehicle maintenance document to ensureyou have the right tyre pressure. If your vehicle is heavier than normal, youwill have to increase your tyre pressure.

* Tyres should ideally beinflated when cool and before a long trip. However, should you need to inflatea tyre during a long trip, this should be done immediately. Do not deflate thetyre when it is hot as this may give a false indication that there is a problemwith the tyre, such as a slow puncture.

* Tyres may only berepaired in the tread area (not the sidewall) and only by a tyre dealer whospecialises in tyre repairs according to repair standards.

* Passenger, SUV andlight commercial tyre treads cannot be regrooved. It is illegal to do so. Onlya tyre with the word “Regroovable” engraved on the sidewall can be regrooved,and this applies only to heavy commercial truck and bus tyres as an additionallayer of tread has been built into the tyre for this purpose.

* Out of sight is not outof mind - don’t forget about your spare tyre. Your spare tyre should also bechecked before you set off on a trip to ensure it is not worn and is inflated.

The SATMC represents theinterests of the local tyre manufacturers and is managed under the umbrella ofNAACAM (National Association of Automotive Component and Allied Manufacturers).



Lee-Ann Christelle Mokgothu


Trailer Lamp



Spray Paint Pearl White (250ml x 3)
R 219.00R 169.00
Spray Paint Matt Dark Grey (250ml x 3)
R 219.00R 169.00
Spray Paint Silver (250ml x 3)
R 219.00R 169.00
Spray Paint Leaf Green (250ml x 3)
R 219.00R 169.00
Spray Paint Matt Light Grey (250ml x 3)
R 219.00R 169.00
Spray Paint Scarlet (250ml x 3)
R 219.00R 169.00
Spray Paint Orange (250ml x 3)
R 219.00R 169.00
Spray Paint Yellow (250ml x 3)
R 219.00R 169.00
Spray Paint Sunflower Yellow (250ml x 3)
R 219.00R 169.00
Spray Paint Sky Blue (250ml x 3)
R 219.00R 169.00


Make trailers your next move

Why not service trailers too for extra income?
Lightweight trailers that can be towed by a car or bakkie are becoming increasingly popular in South Africa. Whether they’re used to tow boats, bikes, quads or horses, trailers invariably carry precious cargo (ok – we can except garden refuse in this case) and therefore should be fully roadworthy and extra safe. With lives and property at risk whenever a trailer is towed, trailer owners need to have them serviced regularly, which is where you come in – by offering a specialised trailer maintenance service in your area. 

Here’s how to get started...Identify the key areas: Trailers are simple vehicles but are built with a set of safety-critical items that to need to always function perfectly:• Tow hitch and bar – these should be rust-free and solidly welded to the trailer chassis.

• Axles and bearings – these too should be rust-free, clean and well greased for optimum performance. 

• Brakes – self-braking trailers are common, especially on trailers with dual axles. Brake cables, couplers, rods, shoes and linings all need to be maintained and serviced. YouTube ‘How to adjust and set trailer brakes’ for a good tutorial. 

• Tyres – tyres should match and ideally be bias ply, rather than radial types. 

• Lighting – brake, tail, indicator and number plate lights must all be working to keep the trailer legal. Connectors should be sealed with dielectric waterproof grease. 

• Conspicuity – reflective tape must be applied to all sides of the trailer to be fully roadworthy. 

 Market your new service effectively: Letting the public know your workshop also services trailers need not be difficult. Write a list of trailer applications (horse/boat/bike/furniture/appliances etc.) and create a small advert for each application – a photo with a headline like ‘Is your baby safe?’Use as a flyer and print ad, as well as a digital upload for social media and your website. Include a limited ‘special introductory offer’ or discount to attract immediate response. 

Educate your market about trailer safety: In the body copy of your advert, explain to your market why trailer maintenance is crucial to safety and list the components mentioned above, explaining their safety function.A no-brainer – You already have the tools and skills so why not create another niche service for your clients? 

Remember - you can get the necessary trailer repair tools and specific parts from week, Workshop Wisdom will outline other ways to capitalise on trailers. 


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