We’ve all seen them before and maybe, we’ve even got one in our own yard – an old ‘skorokoro’ that’s been sitting unused for years under a tree or a tarp, waiting for its engine to be reignited while its rubber rots.
It goes without saying that allowing a car to stand and degenerate due to poor maintenance is sheer waste. That being said, there are methods, not complicated or expensive, to resuscitate a tired and neglected old engine. Once the motor is running again, the car can be driven to a workshop where it can be restored to full roadworthy condition.
Here’s a formula to follow to get the old jalopy moving again...
• Hose the car down to give yourself a ‘clean slate’ to work on. Check for any leaves or animal nests in the engine bay and the in the radiator fins.
Clear any natural debris from the engine components.
• Spray Q20 oil on the ignition key to overcome any stickiness in the ignition.
• Check the engine oil level and the condition of the oil. If it’s low or degraded, drain the oil and refill with the recommended volume and oil grade.
• Replace the oil filter.
• Remove the spark plugs. Check for deterioration and corrosion. Replace if necessary with the correct gap setting.
• Before replacing the spark plugs, spray fogging oil into the cylinders through the spark plug hole to lubricate the cylinders and rings.
• Syphon any old fuel out of the fuel tank and replace with fresh fuel.
• Check the coolant level. Top up with filtered water if necessary.
• Bring the necessary voltage in the form of a fully charged battery and jumper cables or an emergency car jumpstart unit.
• Remove the air filter and spray engine Quickstart into the air intake line. Replace air filter.
• Start the car. If the engine turns over happily, give it time to warm up and give you confidence that it will run the distance to the workshop.
• Check the tyres and inflate with a portable compressor.
• Drive the car to your workshop where you can give it a full inspection.
• Order the necessary tools and consumables from www.startmycar.co.za
Bottom line – being able to evaluate the condition of an old car in a remote location will save the customer expensive towing costs and also provide useful diagnostic information that will enable you to quote accurately on repair and servicing costs. Think of it this way – you’re an auto doctor making a house call!